Investing in the Betterment of the World

The Problem

With tumult and disintegration rising in the world, thought leaders and persons of capacity are protagonists who can play a key role in elevating the positive, bringing spiritual principles to bear, and releasing the society-building power of transformation.


Family offices, business entities, philanthropies, organizations and persons of capacity may have multiple responsibilities and commitments. They benefit from accompaniment to help them do good effectively and fulfill their purpose in life, according to their values and priorities.


Family offices and persons of capacity may have separate buckets for business, charity/philanthropy, faith-based giving and investing.


Capital is channeled to create growth, without assurance that capital will be used for good. Far too often, investment is primarily transactional, seeking only profit motive. Trillions of dollars of private capital do not unlock the full potential of shared flourishing. Development aid is hampered to effect lasting change. Lost opportunity to constructively elevate the positive allows tumult to ensue and escalate in the world.


Our Approach

Helping clients do a values-based assessment to identify what they care most about

Bringing a wealth of connections and in-depth knowledge across the low-income, middle-income and high income contexts

Bringing cross-sectoral expertise to bear

Facilitating the platform for successful collaboration between diverse entities and world views 

Accompanying the process of integrating values and spirit into investments